The debate concluded that the EU lacks a joint visio
STRASBOURG Uomo Nike Air Max 90 VT Marina Scontate Italia , Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- The European Parliament (EP) debated this week how best to avoid threats to Europe's internal security from returning "Islamic State" (IS) fighters.

In debate during the latest EP plenary session in Strasbourg some MEPs called for a swift approval of the European Union (EU) Passenger Name Record (PNR) proposal, which would oblige airlines to provide EU countries with data on passengers entering or leaving the EU to enable countries to prevent or detect possible terrorist offences.

The lawmakers were divided on whether foreign fighters of European origin should have their EU citizenship withdrawn, with some stressing that the priority should be prosecuting them as criminals. However, most MEPs stressed that any measures taken by the EU "must respect fundamental rights".

The causes prompting young people to join IS, including unemployment and poor working conditions Nike Air Max 90 Glow Rosse Scontate Italia , need to be addressed, they added, while also calling on EU governments and other bodies to avoid stigmatising certain groups in society.

The EU Commission is discussing with Internet operators on how to tackle so-called on-line recruitment. Social media is thought to be one of the most powerful propaganda tools for extremists to lure disaffected young people into the arms of jihadists.

Cecilia Malmstrom, outgoing EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, said the EU needs to step up its efforts to combat "this dangerous phenomenon of foreign fighters". Member states should use to the maximum existing tools at their disposal Nike Air Max 2018 Scontate , including border controls and national databases.

The debate concluded that the EU lacks a joint vision and strategy to combat terrorist groups in the whole of the Middle East and deplored the failure of member states to coordinate efforts more closely.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 (Xinhua) -- In her first testimony to the Congress, U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen reiterated central bank's plan to taper its stimulus exit despite recent weakness in the economy.

The current economic situation and outlook, as well as the monetary policy, were the main focus of the hearing held twice a year.

Yellen told lawmakers she expected "a great deal of continuity" in the central bank's monetary policy Nike Air Max 98 Scontate , saying that she served on the Fed policy-setting committee as the bank formulated its current policy strategy and she strongly supported that strategy.

Yellen, 67, took the oath of office to lead the Federal Reserve System on Feb. 3, succeeding Ben Bernanke, who stepped down after eight turbulent years. She was previously the Fed's vice Chair.

In the public debut in her new role Nike Air Max 97 Scontate , Yellen said while the economy gained steam at the end of 2013, recovery in the U.S. labor market was "far from complete," underscoring the importance of considering more than just the unemployment rate when evaluating the conditions of the labor market.

Her point of keeping an eye on wider range of labor indicators is particularly important as the unemployment rate, now at 6.6 percent, is near the 6.5 percent threshold the Fed once identified as the level that would need to be reached before officials would consider a hike in the interest rates.

"If coming information broadly supports the Committee's expectation of ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and inflation moving back toward its long-run objective Nike Air Max TN Scontate , the Committee will likely reduce the pace of asset purchases in further measured steps at future meetings," Yellen indicated steady pullback in Fed stimulus, referring to the Federal Open Market Committee, which sets monetary policy.

While admitting she was "surprised" by the two recent jobs reports that showed the pace of job creation running under what she had expected, Yellen cautioned against jumping to conclusions of the longer trend. She told the Congress that the Fed needs to see a "notable change" in the economic outlook to consider pausing its withdrawal of stimulus.

The Fed trimmed its monthly purchases of Treasury and mortgage- backed securities by a total of 10 billion dollars in both December and January Nike Air Max Flair Scontate , citing strengthening economy and continued improvement in the labor market.

The Fed policymakers have suggested they would continue to reduce the bond buying, which now totals 65 billion dollars a month, at a similar pace at each Fed meeting and end it by the end of 2014, provided the economy develops generally in line with expectations.

Yellen also highlighted the Fed's financial regulatory role, saying that the work of making the financial system more robust " has not yet been completed."

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