It's raining in the desert (thank god) and I'm trying to stay awake. Big question- say I want to do a "Website Tonite" type mini site with one of my domains. But I (me) don't want to mess with it, and I want somebody knowlegeable (you) to create it for me. I would pay the costs, hosting, etc. How much would you charge me for a say 3-5 page site? The templates are free, right? I want to try this once or twice and advertise the site for sale. I think it would be like looking at a house for sale, not just the ad in the paper, and then figuring what I could do with the property! I am so not website friendly, it's scary. And I know there are quadrillions of people that want a small web business but can't quite picture it. I'm not too afraid of not instantly succeeding- this is such a learning process. All advice is GREATLY appreciated. Please answer so I can stay awake.

Website work such as you described will generally be about $250 or $100 if you get someone in India.

You said yourself that this is a learning proccess, and my advice is just to do it yourself. Get dreamweaver, get an ftp program, get a webhost, and you're all set.

Now a days, you don't even need to know any programming. Its all Click and Drag and WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get).

And once you know how to do it, you can do it as much as you want.

Allrightythen. WYSIWYG :eek: Thanks Zach. Anybody got one I can look at?
What do you mean by a "Website Tonite" site?

The name makes me think of Entertainment Tonight or Saturday Night Live. :confused:

Just wondering.
Is it Godaddy (I don't remember) that has Website Tonite? They furnish the templates, instructions, etc. for you to do your own web site set up. Kind of for "free". But then theres a monthly charge for hosting what they gave you. Like $39.00 for a mini site. I don't think it's a rip off for someone like me.:confused: But I'm not going to do it yet til I have my ducks ready, and probably go the route Zach suggested instead.

$12.95 for the squirrel!

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