Why MortgageBrokers.com 'making large profits'--netinchina.org.cn
MortgageBrokers.com 'making large profits'--netinchina.org.cn

Domain name news brought to you by netinchina.org.cn

Top generic domain name MortgageBrokers.com has been given a full bill of financial health by independent investment researchers.

Researchers Dutton Associates issued wholly positive reports tracking the progress of the company and its generic domain named site, giving it a 'strong speculative buying' rating.

According to Dutton Associates, MortgageBrokers.com was doing a good job of consolidating smaller brokerages into one powerful network and brand, achieving a 215 per cent quarterly increase in reported gross revenue for the months to June 2007.

The research firm said of the generic domain name site: "It is successfully addressing a large and growing mortgage market in Canada and will soon make its presence known in the United States mortgage market."

Commending the site's business strategy, Dutton added: "Brokers can better compete in the mortgage industry under one recognisable brand, and this model eliminates long-standing industry issues of agent retention, equity ownership, and exit strategy."

Expanding on the basis of its product specific generic domain name, the company was recently able to invest in 15 new mortgage and loan professionals to join its growing team.

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Why MortgageBrokers.com 'making large profits'--netinchina.org.cn - by WebGuru8 - 11-01-2007, 07:09 AM

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