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indoor visual sense, so that more than a relaxed interior. Broad white long wooden floor, the order collage, showing a clean and smooth visual perception. Floor color white, in line with the overall interior color also make the space more open and bright. Deep visual sense with the roof beams formed a perfect symmetry, very amazing. White walls with white long floors, the overall tone is white. So in the wall
position, select the dark gray and then in the latter part of the soft installed, chose the bright color of the furniture as a partial embellishment. Brush the floor white is very common, but with white walls and white furniture is not uncommon so that the whole body of the white space less appropriate decoration of those logs, a little planting of green plants, beautiful pillow is also contributed . If afternoon in such a
bright and extremely incomparable room extremely comfortable. Very simple color, even the floor and the wall are the same color used. And such a wide range of single white people seem to really exposure to the cold of northern Europe. The floor is full-length stripes and looks very neat and tidy. Wall shelf utilization is also in place, a simple shelf can put a lot of things, but does not seem abrupt, but the more
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