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Total newbie here, I live in Indiana and am 43 years old.
Looking for someway to get some side income badly.
I read a couple of small articles on buying and selling domains.
I thought it best to come here and get the real scoop. Smile


Im from texas and my advice would be to invest in a few 4 letter .com domains before they are all gone.

I think when none are available you should see a nice return on your investment!
Thank you, This is a very interesting subject that I hope I will learn quickly before all the good names are gone. Smile
found one! hee hee hee!~ SmileSmileSmile
hey... what about numbers?
Numbers are worth even more than letters. There are way less numbers (9) then letters (26). The rarer the more special and the more pricey.

Just try not to mix numbers and letters. Those are worth reg fee for 4 character domains.