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possible time, in order to promptly come home to deal with, reduce your loss. 2, do not let the hard objects, cutlery damage the floor: If there is a small scratch please
scratch the floor wax, you can repair these scratches. 3, do not let the strong sunlight or corrosive objects damage the floor: Should avoid strong sunlight directing the floor, so as not to accelerate the aging of the paint; To make corrosive objects erosion film. 4, in winter as much as possible to maintain indoor air humidity, the general air
moisture content of 40-60 is appropriate. 5, in the hot, hot, rainy summer, air conditioning should always open the dehumidifier to prevent the floor wet, drums. Renovation of the house is the most important kitchen, bathroom and the whole floor of the house layout, and now with the extensive use of wood flooring, in order to save some wood
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