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Full Version: Join SBS 2011 Server as Domain Member
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Is is possible to join an SBS 2011 server to a domain managed by another SBS 2011 server?  I know you can't have 2 domain controllers, but I just want the second SBS 2011 to be a client on the domain.  

I have 2 SBS 2011 licenses, so I would like to make this work.  When I try to join the domain, I get an error that "An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a domain controller in the domain being joined has failed".  

I do have the other SBS 2011 server acting as the domain controller and DHCP is on.  Is there something else I can do?  Can I somehow run DCPROMO to demote the server first?

Please help.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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