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Full Version: Free automated appraisals
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Hey guys!

What's your opinion about It looks to me.

What about It doesn't really convince me.

Do you use any other websites for free automated appraisals as a first indicator of your domain's value?

By the way, what's wrong with Does anyone have a clue?

I am waiting for your replies

I toyed with Leapfish a few months back but never took it too seriously. I think the information with automated bots might be a bit out of date. Automated appraisal sites might be good for getting an idea about value but having a human evaluation is probably better.
I think the automatic is not really reliable, because you can "fake" so many things. I rather the human analysis and if that is what you are looking for, just decide if it is worth to pay the price...
Yeah for sure automated appraisals are not to be taken very seriously. I totally agree on that.

However, don't u use them just to get an indicative price for your domains?

I think that for someone who doesn't want to pay for a professional appraisal, a combination of his personal feeling and a reliable automated appraisal is a good indicator for estimating the value of a domain
As a seller I use them to see what a prospective buyer might see. Knowing what a name is worth is only half the game. The other half is convincing the buyer to pay it.