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economy that promote an island carries out an enterprise to invest project acceptance to make in the round, research published a series of is aimed at to build project and boat floor board replacement material give aid to into what be stationed in an enterprise policy. Considering actively to publish the favourable policy that gives aid to lumber industry grows at present, Laos lumber market is small fan, log still cannot import China Respect of
market of lumber of southeast Asia are ovaries solid organs or hollow Laos, the shipment amount of lumber of near future Laos is relatively small fan, prices weak force is arranged. The businessman expresses, this basically is to be affected be caused by off-seasonly. Additional, the businessman expresses to show level Laos respect to still did not publish relevant log to buy index, this also means Laos log to still cannot enter lumber size for mail plastic mail box home market,
businessman of numerous Laos lumber also can rely on to manage inventory to maintain only, future will face condition of the buyable that do not have goods. Price respect, bifold door for bathroom malaysia the price of lumber of near future Laos is relatively stable, without apparent change. Tip wood market trades dejected. According to businessman reaction, tip wood basically is used at outdoors gardens project, show level air temperature