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environment. Summer such as indoor panic, you can use a thin plastic cabinet to contact with the ground parts separated, while the cupboard wall parts with the wall to maintain 0.5-1cm distance gap. Maintain good humidity, the ideal humidity is about 40%, if the long-term use of air conditioning, can be placed next to the basin of water. Temperature difference should not be too large, to avoid continuous
open air-conditioning off, resulting in dramatic temperature changes. 2, clean: gentle treatment is the key Wax: For solid wood cabinets, the first with a fine cotton cloth to wipe the surface of the dust, persist for too long or difficult to remove stains, available cotton cloth dipped in a small amount of gasoline or alcohol rub. And then use a small piece of cotton cloth stained with a large amount of clean wax coated
open, and then use a larger piece of dry cloth by the circumferential block of the wax rub evenly to leave no trace as the standard. Also, before waxing, wipe the old wax with a milder, non-alkaline soapy water and keep it waxed too thick, otherwise it will clog the pores of the wood. Xiaobian Weapon: At home, depending on the frequency of use of the kitchen can be roughly divided into 3 to 5 days and 10
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