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the demand year after year that China imports to lumber increases. 2017 year voyage schedule up to now, china east extremely international freight port strokes far port to structural insulated panel homes import lumber gross to break up 3 times from Russia. Stroke haven of tower of auspicious of far rank grass, it is the hub haven that Heilongjiang saves economy to open foremost follow, this year voyage schedule up to now, stroke fleet of lumber of
accumulative total of port of far low cost composite material to uae international freight to enter condition 6 second, gross of accumulative total lumber 28200 stere. Predict June, stroke dock of harbor of deep water of tower of auspicious of far rank grass to will assume Russia large lumber carries fleet 15 second, accumulative total lumber 75000 stere. 9 rivers of 10. : China construction of start working of single user wharf build a prefab fence on a slope of lumber of industry of
Chinese border timber Always invest 280 million yuan China Chinese border Mu Yemu material single user wharf is formal start working, the lumber single user wharf that indicating pressed wood composites floor middle reaches of the Yangtse River is exclusive builds a project to enter materiality construction phase. China project of single user wharf of lumber of industry of Chinese border timber is located in in the Yangtse River right bank of