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This is unrelated to domains in general, but have you seen this site: ?

It’s a Global Incident Map, it’s updated every 310 seconds and it shows areas of concern regarding terrorism, nuclear incidents, hijackings, etc.
I never happened to check out this site before Taggart. It really is providing good highlights about the areas. Thanks for sharing it with us Taggart.
I find it even more strange somehow to see an incident that I already knew about listed there.

Just after I first saw the site, it was showing a quarantine at a local airport. I think that just made it more real for me.
That is really amazing to even know about it in reality, I need to really check out some incidents that truly happened. It is no wonder a good site with perfect information.
And depending on which area you're looking at, you can zoom right down to see buildings, very much like on Google Earth.

There are some areas that they don't seem to have satellite pictures of.
Very interesting... although I found a mistake on the first look! They put news in Venezuela that are from Colombia... of course it is the same name of the town, but in different countries. It is like saying "Berlin" and finding out the few "Berlin" cities in the US and not just the German Capital City.
Thanks for sharing.