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growth of volume of import of carry bulk lumber is apparent. Lumber of bulk of movement of boat of port of yellow 2017 island imports 70 second, import volume amounts conversion of chain link to vinyl fence to 1.23 million stere, with photograph comparing grew 72% last year, go up total lumber entrance measures a Yuan Chao go up.
Lumber regards a large amount outdoors flooring decoration materials of resource sexes as goods, lumber of bulk of entrance boat movement relatively box carries lumber content to spread cost lower, of home remedy lumber connect on average pass time shorter, conduce to the force that enlarges entrance lumber haven, better drive haven all-around development expands. 3 it is lumber material is planted reach origin market more composite wood floor netherlands Current, the world basically
produces lumber state to develop to protect native lumber industry each, take the additional cost that raises lumber product seriously increasingly, year after year of exit 6 feet high 6 feet wide gated blockade lumber policy is tightened up, adopt the measure such as custom duty, quota to restrict lumber especially log exit, more very person prohibit directly certain lumber material is planted exit. 2017, yellow island port imports lumber to come from 74