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moisture is the key to lighting maintenance, especially bathroom, bathroom lighting and kitchen stove headlights, have to install moisture-proof shade to prevent moisture intrusion, to avoid corrosion damage or short circuit leakage. Lighting is best not to use water to clean, as long as the water can be wiped dry rags, if accidentally hit the water to try to dry, avoid using light rags immediately after turning on the lights. Unexpected situation, furniture also has good and bad fortune. Faced with natural factors such as sunlight,average cost of composite decking installed air and seasonal changes, and human factors such as moving, placing, transporting, cleaning and dusting, even a slight
negligence and carelessness can cause fatal injuries to the furniture. Those who care for the two tips of a black discoloration of the exquisite antique furniture to their hands, no doubt into the hell, less aggressive. The following will start from seven aspects, specifically about the concept of furniture maintenance, methods and taboo. Maintenance method One: conform to the wooden human health pay attention to human nature, furniture maintenance should conform to the wood,how to waterproof trailer panels which is the furniture of the 'temper': the winter of every household heating in the north, people from the heating is very comfortable, but the furniture was Far from the
heating, so as not to over-temperature caused by excessive shrinkage of wood, leading to cracking. Summer is coming, and it is often raining. The furniture should be kept away from the window so as not to get damp in the rainy weather, uplifting the surface and damaging the mortise and tenons. A lot of furniture is also afraid of the wind,garden wooden fencing dubai police especially the furniture with the surface such as tables and cabinets and other furniture, subject to 'dry shrinking wet expansion' effect, blowing in the tuyere for a long time easy cracking, warping. Furniture is better than a camp bed, you can toss it hard. Therefore, the movement of furniture can not be violent, you