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I recently came across a very useful tool to check whether a domain name has been banned by Google. It can be found at DnXpert:

Purchasing banned domains can prove to be fatal, as google plays a very important role in the success of a domain name, whether used solely for parking, or for development.

Hope you guys find it useful.
PAUL-B Wrote:I recently came across a very useful tool to check whether a domain name has been banned by Google. It can be found at DnXpert:

Purchasing banned domains can prove to be fatal, as google plays a very important role in the success of a domain name, whether used solely for parking, or for development.

Hope you guys find it useful. Rep points are appreciated.

The trick would be to avoid being dependent on Google. A banned domain name could still be used with traffic exchanges, banner exchanges, and programs like Adbrite.
Thanks for posting the link. I'd never really thought about that.

And Sagemother makes an interesting point as well. I'd expect that there are some examples of people doing quite well depending on Google, but that's probably not for everyone.
Sagemother does make a good point. But if you are a domainer and have domains for sale, Google plays a very important role, as the prospective buyer might be using google to check the search popularity and linking status of the domain... & from experience I know that most new domainers do so...
I think this is a good link, but I also agree with Sagemother. Depending on google might not be the best thing. It is like the saying of putting all your eggs in one basket... too many risks if you get banned and too controlled by google.
While not being dependant on Google is of course something you want to watch out for, it is important not to be banned by Google! There is no doubt that they're a decent source of income for your site and not to use them would be foolish.
It's a good tool whether you depend on Google or not. I think having your site be at least eligible by domain to climb up their PR system is something that is important whether you cater toward Google policies or not. Thanks for the link.
Thank you for that link, it is very useful. I can see why people would not want to depend on Google traffic, but it would seem rather short sighted to buy something from the banned list unless you knew that Google was irrelevant in your circumstances the price made it significantly more attractive to buy from the banned list. I can't see that those circumstances would apply very often.
I agree it is a very useful tool. I also agree that there is a huge difference between depending on google and being eligible with google.
What are the causes of a domain being banned?
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