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1, with a candle: the burning of the rest of the candle stored up, when collected to a certain number, the chopped to remove the wick, said its amount, adding the same amount of turpentine in the wax, placed in a pot with cold water Waterproof boiling, the candle melted, stirred and poured into the tank cooling standby. To make it easy and effortless to wipe the floor, the floor wax can be slightly heated before use.
2, since the lotion: Add soft soap in the cauldron, bleaching earth, soda each 450 grams and 2270 ml of water thoroughly mixed, they boil and boil until half of the original volume, and then cooled and stored in the tank spare . Use a hard brush to clean the stains on the wood floor with this brush, usually along the floor pattern brush, then rinse with hot water and allow to dry.
3, salad oil, milk and tea's magical effect:When wiping the wooden floor, add a few drops of salad oil in the water to make the floor very bright. Or sour milk with a little vinegar, not only decontamination, but also very bright rub. In addition, the dirt on the paint floor, available thick tea juice to wipe. Wipe the stains on the kitchen floor with the burnt honeycomb ash, and then sprinkle some vinegar on the mop to wipe the floor, it is easy to get rid of stains.
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