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I have been doing a bit of research into potential domain purchases and the following message came back for one of them -

This is a premium domain - and the price is huge compared to normal ones.

What is this? Does this mean its worth buying, why is it so much and can you get it elsewhere for less???

Thanks in advance
Has anyone got any thoughts or advice on this?

Thanks in advance
Maybe try googling "What is a Premium Domain?" ??? Everybody from this forum is gone, taking an extra long holiday weekend because we make so freakin much money from selling our domains!!!! Big Grin
Very funny !!

Seriously though, i have googled 'premium domains' so have an idea what one is, what i dont understand is

a) Why it is like $500
b) Is it worth $500, and reliable sources to get this valued pre purchase - im wary of these free apraisals as i suspect they may review all the searches done on the site and pinch some (i did do one on a similar topic which i new would be registered and the value was 80-120k, is this even remotely realistic?)
b2) if i was to pay for the apraisal, do i have any protection of some from there purchasing it instead of apraising it...

Any useful pointers would be greatly received.

Are you referring to Godaddy?

If so, no, they are not worth buying.

Premium domains are domains owned by the registrar (eg Godaddy), which they are trying to sell at exorbitant prices.

Hi Zach,

Yes i was, and after some digging i had come to the same conclusion.

Thanks for coming back to me.

I'm happy your problem is solved.

Sorry that I couldn't reply earlier, I was actually travelling (24+ hour flight), and got back to you as soon as I had internet access.

See you around,
