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prices, which will also accelerate the development of the industry.plastic deck flower boxes It is understood that the new national standard issued this time has made new regulations on formaldehyde emission, surface wear resistance, and the static bending strength of the substrate. Among them,above ground wood plank pool for the first time, the "E0 standard" for laminate flooring was clarified, and the standards of similar European products were referenced in the formulation. In addition,
compared with the old standards established in 2000, the new national standard puts forward higher requirements for the static bending strength of wooden wood fence panels for sale At the same time, the increase in the height difference required for the new standard in the new standard also makes the floor even more flat after assembly.seagrass flooring harris pontoonFluctuations in real estate policies The new real estate policies launched by the state around land law enforcement,
affordable housing,best composite decking that will not fade and banking financial institutions were successively introduced. The media also focused on the focus of housing prices. Due to the introduction of the national real estate control policy, consumers who originally intended to purchase a house nowadays are holding a lot of money,wall fence design ideas zambia and the volume of houses is low. The real estate industry is an important factor affecting the flooring industry. The wait-and-see attitude of