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eedle leaf material exceeds broad Xie Cai to import specific gravity, 2002 its scale is to rise substantially more. Sawn timber entrance is given priority to plastic decking supplier in dubai with broad Xie Cai. Lumber raw product is main entrance means with general trade pattern: The deep treatment product such as man-made board expects with entering treatment or means of supplied materials treatment are given priority
to. Predict lumber commerce best composite decking supplier will continue henceforth at present situation, but can give now to relate change: Raw product (log and sawn timber) import volume still can increase substantially continuously, long-term look, log imports the price to be able to increase relatively, entrance scale decreases relatively, sawn timber scale increases: The entrance of buy pvc Embossed flooring belfast lumber new product and deep
reatment product increases, lumber machines the import grow in quantity of mechanical equipment; The export of deep treatment product also can increase somewhat; ohio composite chairs restaurant The competition in commerce of product of lumber deep treatment is more intense, the attrition of foreign trade increases, non tariff barrier sets increase. Each country lumber manages strategy and trade policy to produce t