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furniture is reduced, this is produce this kind of situation for the first time in recent years, but 2002, already appeared to resume sexual growth, heat insulation tile a outdoor deck idea as a result of the market open degree increase, the change of sex of occurrence finish compose, be in the United States especially more apparent. In the developing country, productivity has new growth, and the industrialized country that
imports a country as grip for yacht decks furniture is recombining productivity. Reach to 2002 in year, the biggest furniture exit country is Italy, Canada, Germany and China. The biggest furniture entrance country is the United States, Germany, France and England. Export growth is the rapiddest is China, main export goes to the United States, but the volume that speaks England and country of Covering A Wood Outdoor Deck To Be Safe For Kids other European
Union also is increasing. American market begins from 2001 fatigued and weak in restore, the entrance forehead estimation this year will amount to 15 billion dollar,Install Wood Floor Entry Threshold Trim but the negative effect with fatigued and weak last year economy or existence, the plan that there is close a business in traditional manufacturing domain (block Luolaina in north especially) , total employee number is