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look now, maturity of distance of wooden floor market still was differred very far. To protect this in the ascendant and very not normative market, each just take out some of measure even, covered deck plans the odd group that breaks his promise in order to make market of floor of great potential wood is walked out of as early as possible. Indonesian prohibit does log exit cry remove: again? Depend on of bottom of discharge

subcutaneous ulcer ton row? Indonesian prohibit log exit cry rises again Issue date: 2002-9-17 origin: Indonesia is one of countries of production of timber of world main tropics,anti skid composite stairs fence in brunei exit. Long-term since as a result of excessive cut, silvan area decreases ceaselessly, pose this nation already the worry of government and industry person earth. Have selva for protection, indonesia has taken multinomial step and in
succession formulate a few law and code. For example groove guard of national delimit nature or forestry reserve; Execute a forest to cut hill of system of licensing piece forest must after thai sun wood plastic composite the rotate cuts namely must new forest is waited a moment. Often prohibit partly one of measure that log exit also is protective forest. However the last few years afore-mentioned measure and end is fulfilled truly. Some