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gun " . Furniture material has frame of completely real wood, real wood and imitation character board etc, among them furniture of real wood frame does frame with real wood merely, backboard, laminate over an outdoor deck clapboard, shelf may be man-made board, the price wants smaller than completely real wood in part, consumer does not understand this mostly, some businessmen become beautiful head on indent sheet, intended innocently " real wood
frame " it is elliptically " real wood " . The beautiful head in real wood name is very much also, it is pretend to be high-grade lumber with general lumber, if pull wood to pretend to be solid wood plastic combination board yellow Tan Mu with hill, birch pretends to be cherry wood, wooden pod beans pretends to be Hua Limu to wait; 2 it is name of optional and fictional lumber, misdirect consumer. Call hophornbeam for example " violet gold shaddock " ,
imprint eggplant wood is called " Jin Youmu " , 4 seed wood is called " dragon the pride of China " etc. One kind often is thought by accident by purchaser of annatto " Gong Chimu " , jolly kids chairs and tables manufacturers south africa do not join a group with annatto actually. Furniture makes medium jerry main show use tenon chamfer structure in this, with nail join, should use those who stick gum need not. Some man-made board a ground of furniture not sealing side, bring