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environment of entrance building materials at that time, except Oudian, also offer attestation application without floor of the 2nd entrance. To Ou Dian floor attestation applies for, installation simple deck tiles mark Committee on Certification organized Chinese environment to supervise the Committee on Certification that the expert of bureau of 11 ministries and commissions such as the bureau comprises by technology of quality of total
bureau of national environmental protection, nation, to Ou Dian the floor undertook thorough and meticulous investigation is proved, not only consulted heart GB allows to wait for cost for non slip flooring famous environmental protection standard with Europe, and the real case that joins China was made as basic as standard of international environmental protection the standard of consistent, Chinese environmental protection that returns standard
of prep above international on certain details. second hand rubber moulds for paver According to these standards, committee on Certification has custom spot check 3 times to Ou Dian floor inside a year, dog product quality and seek consumer opinion. The course is examined strictly, think its acrylic panel for balcony singapore produce those who taste quality, environmental protection quality, brand to consume to approbate degree all accord with a standard completely, awarded Ou Dian