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like capture log, curium wood, demolish and close down processing factory of illegal sawmill, lumber, cany makings processing factory and charcoal kiln, cheap alternatives for a deck confiscate machine of wood of illegal sawmill, dig, lumber to carry car, the wild animal that capture is captured, arrest illegal shooter.
These measure had very good effect to protecting silvan natural resources. ---Chinese green times--- Is price of wood of broad part of a historical period of African lumber market very flabby calm: ?home made deck boards from recycled plastic Depend on of bottom of discharge subcutaneous ulcer ton row? Price of wood of broad part of a historical period of African lumber market is very flabby calm Issue date:
2002-3-8 origin: In a few months in the past, wood of broad part of a historical period of African lumber market establishs each price very flabby calm, with West Africa Shabili is exemple, only the price will fall July 5% ,exterior wood screen wall expert of wood of African broad leaf judges exposition and argumentation, cultivate kind of photograph comparing with far east lumber,