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Full Version: .mobi, anyone get anything good?
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Nothing good yet@ Smile
Not yet either, still looking Smile
I am bit late.
I was planning to register some. When i tried to register all are already gone which i was thinking to register.
Define "good" for me. Definately no 3 char domains.. but i got a 4 letter one.
Not adventurous enough here. Smile I stayed away from this. I'm not well versed in the nuances of mobile so I wouldn't even try to develop or market something like this. Good luck to those of you are, though!
Yes, this is a brand new TopLevelDomain! Do you get that? hehe

From now and until the end of time, dotMOBI will be around.

At first, it was .COM .NET .ORG (for public use... no sense in mentioning .gov .edu ect)

2 or 3 letter domains with these top 3 TLD's are worth tens of thousands, if not more. Then they (ICANN) added more and more, and each one got popular as a commodity.

Okay, so you might need to sit on a .MOBI for 5 years before you can profit from it, but it's like real estate, it should always go up in price. Heck, half the fun is brainstorming for new domain names, wondering if they're taken.