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Hi guys. There are tones of acronyms domains out there as we aware. Anyone have experience in them? or owning such domains? I am curious as to what sort of keywords do you guys use to maximize the revenue for this type of domain?

I mean, if I were to just parked the domain, the general PPC could be very low, how do you guys choose the appropriate keywords related to this type of domains in boosting up the revenue?

Thanks for sharing!!
I'm not sure I am on the same page with you on this. What do you mean by "Keyword acronyms domain"?
Hi Zepp,
Apology for inaccurate phrase in the topic. I think I should put it as "Keyword for acronyms domains" instead, missed out the "for" I guess:p

Ok, I was referring to those "acronyms" domain eg, etc. These domain don't seems to have any "keyword" or "phrase in them. So how would the owner think of appropriate keyword or phrase when he intended to develop the domain into a site?

Any ideas? Or keyword doesn't seems to be "important" for these type of domains? as long they are able to grab the traffic!:eek:
I'm not sure keywords help much at all unless there's some content other than the name.
Of course, if your url is, you'll get some tire hits lol.