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in or knocked off its hinges. From making to mounting, in both stages security of the house should be the prime concern. External floors are the main point of entry to any house and one should have strong floors so that it can provide complete protection from the external source. One of the most common materials used in the construction of external
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floors is wood. Higher quality woods and fine finish provide durability and enhance the life of external floors Wooden external floors are mostly preferred for their natural beauty and structural strength. Types of floor that contain this natural beauty can be found in oak floors pine floors and in darker woods such as mahogany. However they require regular
maintenance and significant protection from the termite as well. Another material used in the making of external floors is UPVC. Its major advantages compared to traditional wooden counterparts are the fact that they pose greater insulation benefits as a result of their construction. UPVC floors are often hollow, and filled with specific insulation
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