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Full Version: Speculating on other TLDs
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The bulk of people use .com domains. The bulk of users go to a .com address first when trying to find a website. Has anyone had any success squatting on the other related domains hoping to get traffic?

I could understand if someone had a .net address and you grabbed the .com, but to see it the other way around, almost nobody will accidently type in .net for a .com, and the other tlds will NEVER be typed in at all.

So is there any value for this?
.net is the second most popular TLD. You're probably correct about the type in traffic of a .net being pretty low. But type in traffic isnt the only consideration. If you grab a .net when a .com is taken, then you are dilluting the "branding" of the .com, and lowering its value. This is why many people hoping to develop websites on a .com grab other TLDs as well.