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Seph Wrote:Isn't it funny how the domain extension went from being for organization purposes to whichever people type in the most. Originally they were meant to seperate sites.

.com for commercial sites.
.net for network, eg. forums.
.org for organization.

You are right! I think there are only 2 suffix that I can think of that have mantained the original usage for:
.edu for schools, and
.gov for government related sites (and this is internationally too, even if the original sites are in Spanish)

Now with the internet growing everyday and more users and users, I'm sure more suffix will come out, like .cat, which I've seen in sites in "catalá" or catalonian. Did you ever imagine life would be like we know it now?
Actually there are several other domain extensions which have maintained their restriction, .mil for military, .travel etc. Wikipedia have a nice list of all of them.
Whats that? Never saw something .mil! That would be cool, seriously I never saw such domain!
I like the .mil too. It could be useful for many different people and purposes. It's easy to read too.
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