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Full Version: most successful parking program
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Hypervre? I have never heard of that either. Is it newbie friendly? or a more advance placed.
I don't believe the earning is $15K at Hypervre?
It should be some sort of marketing technique?
Please correct me if I'm wrong..
Thanks for the info shared.

I agree with you annerz. I don't feel like clicking on a parked domain. It is just like an empty site for me. No matter how many links are in there, doesn't seem to be appealing to me at all.
I don't like clicking through empty domains either, which leads me to think that keeping the number of domains one is developing down to about 3 or 4 at a time, is best.

Potential income goes way up when you can sell the domain AND use its desing and development as part of your portfolio for freelance gigs in the future.
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