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Comparing servers from and, which plan is the best to host a blog? Any ideas?
How large is your website and what are its storage needs?

You can get affordable dedicated servers offered by professionals.
All questions were answered and not just some of them. And when I had difficulties with some of the setup, they fixed things nearly immediately. and are the best server providers.
They have great support, cheap prices and relevant technology.
Always quick responses to any of my needs! Technical assistance has been great.
What’s your hosting budget?

Take a look at dedicated servers. They have a rock solid infrastructure in place and guaranteed to serve you the next several years to come.
Servers from and are the best and most stable in the whole IT industry.
The prices are great and they also offer many services to help you if you lack the expertise to complete a job.
I prefer to deal with time-tested and trusted bands in the hosting industry like:
They are optimized for application hosting and provide more security, reliability and speed than traditional web hosts.