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some bad manufacturers have drilled loopholes, some of the wood is not mahogany and mahogany changed the name to blind the consumer. Sales staff do not know mahogany species from the beginning to the present, Hainan pear rose more than doubled, and lobular red sandalwood rose more than three times. Mr. Yang want to buy
a set of mahogany furniture, furniture in the city for a long time, found a lot of mahogany furniture only million or so. 'Could it be worthless?' Mr. Yang is a bit puzzled. Reporters in a few furniture market in a circle and found a variety of nominal mahogany furniture, a wide range of furniture, red sandalwood, green sandalwood, African red
sandalwood, Brazil pear, black sandalwood, African chicken wings and so on. In a mahogany furniture store reporter saw the basic material is African red sandalwood, Brazil pear, chicken wings and red sandalwood of the four. Reporters asked the staff of red sandalwood is not a mahogany, the clerk is disdain to say: 'Of course it is.' She
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