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veneer is better than peeling. The way to identify the two is to see the pattern of wood, sliced ??veneer wood texture straight and dense, peeling of the veneer pattern and sparse Particleboard veneer wardrobe, the ground part must be edge, not the edge board will absorb moisture, swollen and damaged. General veneer corner of the corner is easy to tilt up, pick the hand when you can pull the corner, if a pull up, that there is a problem with glue. Wardrobe side of
the edge is not flat, indicating that the material is wet, a few days edge will be out. Edge should also be rounded, can not be straight. With the edge of the wood is easy to tide or crack. Plywood package inlaid wardrobe, the package is nail nails, pay attention to whether the nail is smooth, nail and other parts of the color is consistent. Usually nail is sealed with a putty, to pay attention to whether the putty up drums, such as drum up to not work, slowly putty from the
inside out. Mirror wardrobe to take a photo with a mirror class of wardrobes, such as dressing table, clothes mirror, dressing mirror, pay attention to a photo, see if the mirror is deformed color, check the back of the mirror mercury bar if there is liner paper and back Board, no backplane failed, no paper nor line, otherwise it will wear off the mercury. Paint part to smooth the paint part of the wardrobe to smooth and smooth, no wrinkles, no pimple and so on.
unfinished cabinet doors
plastic process where wood is a feed
overhead flooring for interior applications