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Consider the different functions of the living room, different rooms can choose to use different colors of wood flooring. The living room is the most open place in the home, and it is also the main place for the daily activities of the family and the guests. Therefore, it is necessary to use a transparent, soft color to create a bright, harmonious and cheapest place for wood stud elegant atmosphere. The bedroom is for rest and relaxation. Place, should use warm or some neutral color of the floor, giving a quiet, comfortable feeling; children's room is the child sleep, study, living place, should be simple, cheerful, clear, with bright and bright colors will be good; Study is the owner of the room to work and study the place
the environment should have a strong cultural atmosphere, the color should also be a deck flooring dubai solid dark floor. Consider the floor color and other room color harmonization. Other room colors include ceilings, walls, and furniture colors. Ceilings, wall colors are usually used in light colors; furniture color in the indoor environment occupies a dominant position, and with the preferences of the owner of the room to choose
so the choice of floor color is also followed with the unity of the can i replace boards on a garden bench furniture color, and the wall color phase Echo the principle to match. People in the process of decoration on the ground
usually not doping the use of different brands of wood flooring, because both from the overall unity of home decoration harmony, or from the maintenance and maintenance point of view, the use of the same brand of wood flooring Is the best choice. Therefore, to find a variety of colors, while product fence panel size calculator quality assurance of composite wood flooring brand is even more important. Fortunately, today's brand is not difficult to find, such as the recent popular film Lingeer wood flooring, the quality of the wood flooring industry is the first batch of national quality Mianjian brand, the style of more than eight series of more than 90 kinds of different color products, from Classical to modern, from romantic reviews of yakima deck to simple, from lively to deep, everything, enough to meet your various requirements.