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broken, a large number of product quality problems appear to like to play low-cost companies to sacrifice profits at the expense of rapid turnover growth, which is tantamount to chronic suicide. When the corporate profits drop, it is equivalent to the reduction in R \u0026 D, technology, transformation, marketing, management and
other fields, resulting in insufficient development potential of enterprises. Many people are talking about integration of resources, cross-border thinking and other issues, but the low price is undoubtedly placed in front of enterprises a hurdle. 'Would rather exhausted himself, but also starve to death counterparts,' the competitive strategy is not
desirable, all non-profit integration is nonsense, the floor should not let the low price hurt himself. (Source text China floor network) After more than 20 years of leather washing, China's top ten wood flooring brand gradually to the vast number of consumers, and went to tens of thousands of households. However, you know that wood
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