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Repair shallow scratches, scratches the solid wood floor, first of all the ratio of detergent and water deployment by 10%, with a clean cloth wrapped mat to clean the ground, such as the ground is very dirty, to be cleaned after special Sand felt or sand again washed. Wait until the floor surface is completely clean, and then use a special mop smear polishing agent (directly in the old paint on the paint, compared with the floor wax is more scientific and simple), this restoration program can restore the original luster of the wood floor , And can save money.
For scratches deeper solid wood flooring, the repair requires the use of professional grinding equipment with the German construction technology, worn by the floor of the old paint scratch process, polished with polished putty putty full of scraping on the floor up large Sew, polish the floor and clean, brushing professional floor paint.
If the paint on the solid wood floor surface is not broken, it is just a little imprint, then we can polish it directly with the polishing wax after it is cleaned. If the floor paint is damaged, we can do some technical processing, and use a soldering iron to repair the wax Heat, scrape the excess part, dry for 24 hours, polished with a sandpaper No. 400, and finally remove the wax polishing.
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