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Full Version: inadequate set aside when the expansion joints
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than the phenomenon of indicators. This responsibility should be borne by the floor manufacturer. Fourth, there are ways to solve the home floor arching If the degree of the floor arch is relatively small, then the windows and doors closed, the use of air conditioning dehumidification function, control of indoor humidity can be restored. So can only find manufacturers to adjust the expansion joints. If the degree of
arch is very serious, it is recommended that the master resurface, and re-adjust the expansion joints. Remove the skirting stone, replace the old floor. In the demolition, if the floor surface is damaged, it should be replaced by a new floor. Five, laying the floor to prevent the arch Note First, the choice of good stability before paving the product. Pavement moisture barrier, waterproof, moisture-proof works, must
meet the laying requirements. Floor surface pavement, reserved enough expansion joints. After the pavement is completed, do not forget to strengthen the wooden floor maintenance, ventilation and indoor relative humidity control. Part2: identify the right remedy to solve the summer floor discoloration wood floor color change is actually a layer of protective film is oxidized surface, or wear caused by use,
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