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darker in color and lighter, you need to polish it a little more and brush a few more times to make the light shade darker.More rain in summer, when installing the floor need to do moisture, anti-crack treatment, pavement also need more conservation, to ensure that there is no quality problems. Therefore, the summer installation of the floor to avoid hot weather, avoid rain, store for two days before paving,
but also to make fire. Specific paving methods and maintenance tips, see below. Part1: Summer weather can not be underestimated floor pavement summer weather doll pay attention to the face, that change becomes. The sun shines in the moment, while the moment is overcast. So in fact summer is not a good time for paving the floor. But a lot of home improvement project scheduling is very tight, sometimes
difficult to avoid the summer pavement. If you can not avoid, then there is any way to circumvent or reduce the negative impact of summer conditions on the shop floor? 1, to avoid the high temperature in summer generally higher temperatures in summer, but the best paving the floor to avoid the construction of ultra-high temperature days. Floor renovation temperature of 16 to 35 degrees is appropriate, if the
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