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look" word. 1, observe the texture of wood Texture is to judge the quality of solid wood flooring is one of the important signs of good solid wood flooring clear and beautiful texture, the surface is not heavy paint, no messy texture, good wood flooring at the same time their own color will not be Paint layer interference, consumers should be able to see at a glance the natural wood lines and color. 2, observe the
wood section Some consumers in the purchase of solid wood flooring will be deliberately to choose no knot floor, but on the other hand, knot is also an important trace of the quality of solid wood flooring, for all solid wood materials Words, knots is an inevitable existence, but at the same time the number of knots can not be more choice when you need to see all knots on the floor for the living, if there is a non-
compact defect knot, you need Careful purchase, to avoid poor quality products. 3, check the floor splicing Whether it is flat floor or flattering floor, the details of the quality of its splicing can not be ignored at the time of purchase, try to use two solid wood floor slots to slide, check the board and the board Relative sliding is smooth, while the junction is smooth, with or without roughness. Part 3: familiar with a
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