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system, accurate positioning, identify the target customers, do a good job store marketing, good store data analysis and management, good shop goods management, shop staff management, store management, inventory management , VIP management, sales management, promotion management, etc., I believe the counter physical floor store
road in 2017 will go more smoothly. Information finishing: China's top ten wood flooring brand network Citation Material 360 message: compared to ceramics, bathroom, cabinets these categories, the design of the floor sense and selection greatly reduced. At present, the services of the wood flooring industry are generally divided into two
types: one is design service and the other is service of laying and transporting. The two services, the former is a soft service, the latter is a hard service. Service, literally speaking, is to perform a certain task or a certain business, is the added value of the process of buying and selling, is an invisible property used to meet customers. Service
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