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warm place, which is one of the top ten brands in the list of brands, is well-known trademark in the domestic brand, a high degree of popularity. The role of the floor paint, is to maximize the service life of wood and the use of value, so that a variety of solid wood flooring performance after paint finishes improved to play better use of value.
However, if it is poor floor paint, but will affect the solid wood flooring its own advantages, is not conducive to daily living. Xiao Bian today to teach you 3 strokes, so you can tell the solid wood floor paint is good or bad. First, paint permeability for the first time to consider is the permeability of solid wood floor paint. For high-quality floor
paint, generally have a higher permeability, so that it shows the color of the floor itself. The thick water mixed with paint on the market simply can not see the floor itself is not a pest, scar, or even crack, consumers should be cautious to buy, to prevent the mixed useless. In the purchase process, consumers can carefully observe: a good paint
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